
Jack Field Village Hall Coalport Local Groups Cottage Development Ironbridge Gorge Museum The Gorge Gazette Oak Tree Centre The Coalbrookdale Arboretum The Jackfield Tile Museum St Michael’s Church Health & Enterprise Centre Green Wood Centre Severn Gorge Countryside Trust Coalbrookdale Community Centre

The Gorge Parish Council

View on-line at: http://TheGorgeParishCouncil.gov.uk/redirectpage.asp?id=13395&SiteId=873

Your Community  Local Groups  

These pages are open to organisations in The Gorge to advertise their facilities and what they do.  It is free to use.  All you need to is send your information to The Clerk Jayne Madeley at clerk@thegorgeparishcouncil.gov.uk and she will arrange for the site to be updated.

Jackfield Village Hall was the first to do this and their details are already on the site to give you an idea of what can be done.

YOGA CLASSES - Are you interested?

" We are hoping to get a group together to do some yoga in the day.At present the day looks like being a Tuesday morning, 10.00 - 11.30 at Coalport Village Hall.This would be a special session for people who may not be as adept as many others who have been doing yoga for a while, either as a result of general creaky limbs, illness or lapses in regular yoga classes or whatever. If you are interested in joining us please call Liz on 01952 432791 for further information.We look forward to meeting you. "

Coalbrookdale Arboretum Click here to find out more!

In Coalbrookdale there is an arboretum which has been sadly neglected over many years. The area has become overgrown and in many place inaccessible.  The pathways which had been set out in the glory days of the Victorians had in many cases disappeared from sight.  The speciman trees were cluttered and choked by many smaller trees which had self seeded.  In effect nature had been left for far too long to have her way.

Mobile Library

Please click on the link below for times.